status parameter

英 [ˈsteɪtəs pəˈræmɪtə(r)] 美 [ˈsteɪtəs pəˈræmɪtər]

网络  状态参量



  1. The C standard specifies two definitions ( EXIT_SUCCESS and EXIT_FAILURE) that can be passed to the status parameter to indicate successful or unsuccessful termination.
  2. If the agent encounters an error, it stores an error message in the Status text field of the parameter document.
  3. The status parameter contains the not-longer-than-140-character message to be posted to the authenticated user's Twitter feed.
  4. The Multimode Measurement Based on Immune Principle for the Load of Car-engine Job Status Parameter
  5. Analysis of Stress Status Modulus and Shape Parameter of Transforming Field in Steel Rolling
  6. The microcomputer monitoring system for the railroad equipment is used to monitor real-time the active status and parameter of the railroad equipment, and diagnose the fault. This system relates the safe ( operation) of train, so it requests redundant reliability and the stronger data-handling capacity.
  7. The development history and status quo of super-supercritical parameter technique were introduced, thermodynamic parameter and efficiency of super-supercritical parameter set were analyzed in this paper.
  8. Demonstrated to the complete machine running status that, the important parameter hypothesis, the breakdown situation realization real time display and the record, and have the operating time recording function;
  9. Diagnosis function of safety status in the safety parameter display system ( spds)
  10. There is a large colour display screen for the system, which can not only show the operation status parameter of locomotive and diesel engine, but also show failure information of each system on the locomotive. In addition, it has man-machine conversation function.
  11. This paper introduces all kinds of vibration status, parameter and characteristic of large and middle electric machine in revolving process. Make diagnosis can be done by using of spectrum analysis method, and reasoning can be found.
  12. This display system can show the real time flying status parameter, the flight simulation curves, and the flight attitude using the three dimensional animation.
  13. The phasor of generatrix voltage is the main status parameter to reflect the stabilization of the system, the real-time measurement of phasor will provide important proof for security and stable control.
  14. The background of generalized distributed parameter system and the research status for generalized distributed parameter system are discussed, and put forward some problems need to be researched.
  15. The reasonable choice of suitable status quo investigation and assessment parameter of marine environment of water and subsoil is the basis to carry out perfectly the environmental impact prediction of marine oil and gas development project.
  16. Developing CAI Software for Air Status Parameter Calculation in Air-Conditioning System
  17. The research results show that when the water quality does not seriously deviate from the design regime, the accumulative tube-plugging rate can be chosen as the status parameter for the on-condition replacement with the decision-making threshold value being set at 1.28%.
  18. Introduction of a way of system variables feedback quickens the non-correlation process in order to meet the needs of quick response to very small difference of initial status and parameter in the Lorenz system;
  19. Based on the real-time remote monitoring and control system, an ActiveX control ( including WinSock control) used in remote temperature monitering and control system is designed to realize the functions such as configuration of temperature status parameter, history inquiry and real-time remote monitoring and control.
  20. Finally, combined with other groups ′ work, we reach the result that CE type antiferromagnetic and charge order will be fundamental status in certain parameter zone.
  21. The status parameter of thermal medium is important parameter in process of production.
  22. Application of status/ parameter estimation adaptive Kalman filtering technique to river peak discharge forecast
  23. According to choice and calculation of the atmosphere status parameter, calculation of the materiel balance, the quantity of heat balance and the consume of the medium in the dryness storehouse, the appropriate fan ( the model 4-72 № 3.2A) was elected.
  24. The simulation analysis has estimated the loss of the converter and verified the working status and parameter indicators of the converter with the selected parameters.
  25. This paper first introduced related parameters of the method, including video buffer, present video frame number, network status parameter, video acceleration threshold, video deceleration threshold, time delay frame number, video frame rate, video standard frame rate and video frame rate variation.
  26. System has status displaying, parameter setting, failure alarming and more functions.
  27. Based on electromechanical analogy method, the contact interface model is established, which concludes contact interface material, contact interface status parameter.
  28. The monitoring program interface features relatively complete, contains the user interface, data monitoring, device status, fabric parameter setting, monitoring batching, feeding monitoring, historical trend analysis and other functions.
  29. There are only two kinds of safety devices available for tower crane at construction sets nowadays. The driver would suffer from great danger if without monitoring and managing system and working status parameter display device.
  30. The monitor program has several configuration interfaces and shows all the status information and parameter of the process flow. It is convenient for the operating personnel to fully master the running status.